Servpac Blog

BYOD: 5 Benefits for Business

on Mar 5


With a highly mobile workforce, there’s a new trend now hitting businesses worldwide. BYOD is now gaining traction among employees and offices. While it might have some drawbacks like other technology policies, BYOD promotes a more flexible and productive environment for employees. So what exactly is this new policy?

What is BYOD?

BYOD refers to “Bring Your Own Devices” in the workplace. This has been a popular trend as workplaces are promoting remote work for their employees. BYOD can vary among organizations such as “Bringing Your Own Technology”, “Bring Your Computer”, or “Bring Your Own Software”. The goal of this policy is to encourage employees to keep working on their devices in the workplace and eliminating the need to switch between tools. BYOD offers the freedom to use the portable tools they prefer in and out of the workplace. This could be a laptop, tablet, or smart device they take with them everywhere they go, offering more independence and accessibility for employees. More businesses are turning towards the trend and implementing these policies in their offices with positive results. So what are the advantages of BYOD policies in the workplaces? Let’s take a look at the top reasons below.

BYOD Benefits

1. Cost Savings

BYOD helps businesses save costs and distribute their money towards more important areas. When employees use their own devices, this eliminates overhead costs from companies providing their own technology. Since employees are handling their devices, companies won’t invest in technology that never gets used. There’s less cost with training because employees are using familiar devices, and improved employee satisfaction results in fewer HR costs.

2. Better Productivity

BYOD offers freedom for employees to use their devices when and wherever, making them more motivated. Employees are usually happier working their own devices, making communication faster and project collaboration easier. Smartphones are now an extension of employees, and using their own devices helps them spend more time on important tasks instead of learning the tools provided by the company. 

3. Employee Satisfaction

When it comes to business, employees want to use devices and brands they’re familiar with. Implementing a BYOD policy helps boost their morale and maintain a better work life balance by promoting remote work options.

4. Recruit Top Talent

Millenials are now the largest generation in the workforce. Technology plays a major importance in their daily lives, even with their job prospects. They’ve grown up with technology at their fingertips, and expect companies to offer the freedom to continue using their own devices. Companies not offering BYOD policies are putting themselves at a disadvantage when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent for the organization.

5. Increased Flexibility


In offices with BYOD policies, employees are not only confined to the cubicle. They can take their work out of the office or on the movie with 24/7 access to email, documents, and other work related items. This added mobility results in better communication from employees and faster responses during corporate emergencies.

Start Sooner than Later

BYOD is now the new reality of the workplace, and it’s more important than ever for businesses to implement these policies for their employees. Getting ahead of the game and implementing a policy not only helps boost productivity but improves communication and cuts operating costs. For more information on BYOD policies and best practices, please call Servpac at 808-237-5000 or request a free consultation.

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Servpac is a Hawaii-based telecommunications company providing innovative and integrated data center colocation, fiber internet, local cloud, business VoIP, and managed network solutions for businesses. The company is the largest local CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) in the state and provides 24x7x365 support for businesses to help them compete in the global marketplace.


Topics: technology, trends, office

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