Servpac Blog

7 Reasons Why You Need Security Awareness Training

on Sep 12


It’s Monday morning, and you’re going through your normal email routine. You suddenly notice a message from your boss about an “urgent request”, but something seems to be off. Wrong e-mail address, misspelled words, and random links - all immediately raise red flags for spam. You think it’s way too obvious, so how can anyone fall for these phishing schemes? You might be surprised. 

Every day, over 14.5 billion phishing emails are sent to users, and they are part of the growing trend of cybercrime’s devastating impact on businesses. As discussed in a previous blog post, cybercrime evolved beyond bad viruses and fraudulent e-mails, and is more widespread than ever before. Businesses are now targeted by malware, ransomware, phishing, denial of service and other cyber attacks daily. Good news is there are now various tools to prevent these attacks. E-mail filters and antivirus software are effective barriers, and firewalls provide top-notch security for business's networks. Even with these security tools, you’re still at risk and need to take extra measures for your business.

One of the best ways for businesses to protect their employees and data is through implementing security awareness training, but some are not convinced. Businesses have networks from the outside, but they don’t know the risk from the inside. Human error is a major player in cybercrime, and employees can jeopardize security by browsing infected websites and downloading bad software without even knowing. Security awareness training can educate your workforce on these growing insider threats and protect the company from devastating attacks. Below are 7 reasons why these trainings are vital to your business.

1. Prevents Cyber Attacks


Implementing security awareness training reduces the risk of cyber attacks on your business. Trained employees are educated enough to know how to use strong passwords, report suspicious e-mails, and flag another weird cyber activity on the network. Employees are also more aware of their actions and reduce careless errors that open the door to cybercrime.

2. Creates Secure Company Culture

Security awareness training helps create a company culture that values security and protecting its employees. Instead of employees feeling embarrassed for not staying updated on the latest security threats, security awareness training promotes an inclusive environment that empowers and makes them proactive towards cyber security threats.

3. Better Compliance

Security regulations are stricter than ever before as security becomes a major priority for businesses in all types of industries. More regulators are demanding security awareness training as part of their certifications, and failure to comply can result in lost business and massive lawsuits.

4. More Secure Technology

While technology is a valuable tool in preventing cybercrime, it’s only as good as the people that monitor it. Security awareness training helps these tools operate at their full potential because employees are educated on how to use them to monitor the latest cyberthreats.

5. Attract Potential Customers


Cybersecurity is highly valued among businesses these days. Many companies require meeting certain security standards in order to be considered for high profile contracts. Implementing security awareness training helps you meet these requirements and develop a positive reputation that attracts potential customers.

6. Helps Employees Stay Safe

Security awareness training doesn’t just keep your employees safe at work. It keeps them safe in their personal lives as well. With constant exposure to websites, e-mails, and social media, employees can be confident in their security skills, and protect themselves and their families from potential risks.

7. Save Time and Money from Potential Headaches

Cyber attacks are a costly and timely affair. Businesses can lose more than millions of dollars from just one successful cyber attack. Security awareness training is a valuable investment for your business, and the cost and time to hold one outweighs what’s possible from a potential risk.



Security awareness training is a valuable asset that benefits the security of your business and employees. Whether you already training in place or don’t even know where to start, Servpac can work with your business to develop a plan to minimize risk and help your employees protect themselves against cybercrime. Don't hesitate to call 808-237-5000 or request a consultation today for more information.

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Servpac is a Hawaii-based telecommunications company providing innovative and integrated telephone, internet, and cloud, IT, and data center solutions for Hawaii businesses since 2004. The company is the largest locally based CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) in the state and provides 24/7 local support for island businesses to help them compete in the global marketplace. Call 808-237-5000 to discuss your telecom needs and learn more about our services.

Topics: News, Business, employees, office

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