Servpac Blog

5 Benefits of Managed Networks

on Jun 13


Every business has a primary goal of increasing their sales, customers, employees, or locations, but having a network infrastructure that meets these demands comes with a high price tag. Updating to the newest technology can be a very costly process for businesses that includes hiring IT staff and disrupting operations due to system issues and troubleshooting. Large companies have the means to monitor and upgrade their own networks, but small to medium-sized businesses are a different story. They don’t have the money, time, or resources to maintain a reliable infrastructure.  A valuable option for businesses is outsourcing their network services to a reputable service provider like Servpac that does all the work for them. Managed networks offer an advantage for small to medium-sized businesses to play the game with larger companies and stay competitive in the global market, but what does it include?

What is a Managed Network?


A managed network is a type of network that is created and managed by an outside service provider. It allows a business to outsource their essential infrastructure, software and technical support services essential to operate and manage a cloud-based network. Manage network providers (MSPs) usually provide network resources such as servers and software to secure the infrastructure and critical data. The whole network is monitored and maintained by the outsider service provider and includes management of firewalls, wi-fi networks, switches, and routers. This outside management provides a peace of mind and wide range of benefits for businesses.

Benefits of Managed Network Services

1. Better Security


We mentioned in last week’s blog post how cyber attacks are a harsh reality for businesses these days. Any data breach could be a fatal blow for your operations and security is absolutely essential for protecting your customers’ info as well. Managed network service providers offer a secure firewall that keeps customer payment info completely secure and offers the following advanced features:

  • Guest wi-fi access
  • VPNs
  • Remote access
  • Full add-on management

Plus, if disaster strikes your business, your network resources and critical data are safely stored on an off-site cloud server with little to no downtime. 

2. Stay Updated on the Latest Technology

Have trouble keeping your network up with the times? Constant changes in technology make any business owner’s head spin, but managed network services can help you stay ahead of the game. Managed network service providers employ teams with years of experience and knowledge of the latest technologies to update their systems and improve customer operations.

3. Reduce Costs

piggy-bank-1595992_1920Managing an internal IT department is expensive for any business such as hiring IT staff, purchasing hardware, or performing system updates. Outsourcing to an external provider eliminates these costs and lets businesses redirect their resources more towards key business functions. All hardware and system updates are done by the service provider for a set monthly fee, and businesses can pay for exactly what they need.

4. Expert Monitoring and Support

The 9-to-5 business day is now as outdated as the phone book. Businesses have to be running around the clock to meet customer demands, so networks need to do the same. If businesses experience a network issue, managed network providers are available 24x7x365 to support users. Some providers, like Servpac, even offer remote support to troubleshoot users or dispatch local technicians to an on-site location if needed.

5. Improved Efficiency and Productivity


Through a comprehensive managed network that covers all areas of communications for businesses, providers provide useful tools and features that reduce support time, prevent network issues, and eliminate downtime for business operations. Staff members who were tasked with managing IT services can finally spend more time on their most important tasks and increase their daily productivity.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

Businesses don’t realize the challenges of managing their own networks until it’s too late. Now it's easier than ever for businesses to save their time, money and sanity by outsourcing to a reliable managed network service provider. Switching to a managed network guarantees better security, reduces costs, and improves efficiency for businesses, so what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today and see how Servpac can implement a managed network and other services for your business.

Schedule a Consultation


Servpac is a Hawaii-based telecommunications company providing innovative and integrated telephone, internet, cloud, and data center colocation solutions for Hawaii businesses since 2004. The company is the largest locally based CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) in the state and provides 24/7 local support for island businesses to help them compete in the global marketplace. 

Topics: Business, technology, office, cloud

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