Servpac Blog

4 Ways Fiber is Essential to IoT

on Oct 31


The internet of things (IoT) is the newest buzzword in technology. It’s a relatively new trend, but it is growing in popularity worldwide with people using it everyday to improve their lives. IoT has taken off with businesses and enabled them to transmit and gather data from all types of devices. But first, let's explain IoT and how it’s changing the game for business communications.

What is IoT?


Internet of Things sounds complicated but it's a simple concept. It's just the idea of taking all the things in the world and connecting them to the internet. Instead of just your smartphone or computer being connected, other devices can also connect and share data with others such as appliances, security systems, speakers, healthcare equipment, and much more. Everyday you're using an IoT device without realizing it - checking messages on your Apple Watch, asking Amazon Alexa for music recommendations, or processing payments with credit card readers. Since IoT devices depend on the internet, choosing the best connection is vital to your company's operations and customer service. Fiber internet can provide the answer and offers the following benefits for your business operations.

Process Large Amounts of Data


Smart devices are constantly updating their statuses and sending packets of data. While one device won’t cause any issues, data coming from multiple devices simultaneously can create slow internet problems for a business. The higher symmetrical speeds and reliability of dedicated fiber internet makes it a perfect match with IoT and offers seamless integration with all sorts of smart devices.

Easily Manage Devices

For businesses with lots of locations, IoT sensors can be used to track the location and status of equipment. This makes it easy to schedule maintenance and prevent potential equipment breakdowns based on the data collected. Some locations can are in remote areas and require reliable performance, making fiber internet the ideal companion. Also, fiber cables have an enhanced light transmission performance and provide the low latency needed for managing these devices.

Reduce Security Risks


IoT can extend the risk of attacks for businesses beyond their own systems. Each smart device is vulnerable to cybercrime, and data can be compromised as it travels between devices. Compared to traditional copper wire connection, fiber is more difficult to compromise because of its material. If someone attempts to breach fiber, this causes a major interruption and immediately alerts businesses of possible breaches. Since fiber transmits information using light, its signals are difficult to intercept.

Offer Real-Time Insights

IoT sensors generate a constant stream of data about the products or equipment they are connected with. This data can be gathered for valuable insights but only if it’s relevant and timely. It has to be gathered and transmitted quickly, which can be done with a fiber connection. Its high-speed dedicated network can transmit data from any connected smart device at the speed of light to its intended destination. 

Get Connected Now

IoT is a revolutionary technology that allows businesses and people to connect more to the world around them, and fiber internet helps achieve the best results. Servpac can help make your company make the most of IoT with our extensive fiber optic network. We have the largest local fiber optic network on Oahu that offers dedicated symmetrical connection, advanced firewall, and 24x7x365 customer support with 99.9% uptime guarantee. We have fiber installed in more than 100 commercial buildings throughout Oahu, so talk to an expert today at 808-237-5000 or request a FREE consultation for more information.

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Servpac is a Hawaii-based telecommunications company providing innovative and integrated telephone, internet, and cloud, IT, and data center colocation solutions for Hawaii businesses since 2004. The company is the largest locally based CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) in the state and provides 24/7 local support for island businesses to help them compete in the global marketplace. Call 808-237-5000 to discuss your telecom needs and learn more about all of our services.

Topics: Business, technology, trends, Telecom

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